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| baczewska | wilson | petit/neilson | mrt | skibell/horowitz | thorington/schefter |
by Christine Baczewska
with funds from the Jerome Foundation

An original vocal composition that be accessed on three levels -- musical, graphic, interactive. The musical component will be an audio version of a short piece performed vocally by the artist; the graphics, an on-screen collage of the words that comprise the lyrics of the piece, and interaction, a chance for the user to "compose" her/his own version of the piece by clicking sequentially, in any order, on any words of the lyrics collage.
Not Walls
by Laurel Wilson

An interactive gallery structure where horizontal and vertical surfaces within the space receive installations of images and text. In their ideal form these structures are simultaneously navigable and "interactive" on site, where one can redetermine their surfaces and forms inline as a graffiti writer might alter an urban wall or a bender might alter a sheet of steel. Soon, maybe.
The Grimm Tale
by Marianne Petit with John Neilson
with funds from the Jerome Foundation

An adaptation of the Grimm's Fairy Tale about a young man who doesn’t understand the concept" to shudder in fear and who goes forth in the world to discover its meaning. The tale can be read in a number of ways, linearly or non-linearly. An "audience response" button allows the viewer to add his/her own response to specific scenarios.

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MRT: New Explorations in Science Action
Research by Naval Cassidy and Bulk Foodveyor
with funds from the Jerome Foundation

An elaborate symphony of small machines that explore the possibilities of centrifugal force x of QuickTimes and documentation of each MRT device. It culminated with a series of live video web performances, simultaneously based in New York and San Francisco.
Snuff: A Media-Destruction Agent
by Harris Skibell and Damon Horowitz
with funds form the Jerome Foundation

A Web-based media-destruction agent. Its purpose is to sniff out, retrieve and collate "competing" media on the Web, and visibly and perceptibly filter text, graphic and audio content, leaving its remains on the snuff site. Snuff takes requests from users.
North Country: Part 1
by Helen Thorington and Eric Schefter

North Country is a mystery based on the discovery of an unidentified skeleton in upstate New York.
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