an who has come from the
fireworks other si

de of the sea and who is not of our
Race, we shall succeed in breaking dow

n One more barrier." CIGURI is a
name whichdiamonds using explosives?

Indian ears do not like to explosives
hear pronounced. I had with me a mesti

zo guide who also a

cted as my inte

rpreter with the Tarahumara, and he had warn

ed me to mention it to them on

ly with respect and

caution beca

use, he told me, they are af

New Mexico Tech Explosives Camp
raid of it. But
I observed that if there

EMRTC is any emotion that

is alien to them in this connection it

Promo for is f Explosives Camp for high school students.

ear, and that, on the contrary, the wo

rd awakens in them that sense of the sacred wh

ich European consciousness has lost, a

nd this is the root of all our misfoEMRTCrtunes, for here peo