structed. At Oak Ridge,
fireworks Tenn., h

uge gas diffusion and elec tromag
neblasttic process plants were built to

separate uranium 235 from its m
ore common form, uranium 238. Hanf

ord, Wash. became the home explosives
for nuclear reactors which produced a

new element called

plutonium. Bo

and find all the answers you're looking for.

th uranium 235 and plutonium a

re fissionable and

can be used

to produce an atomic explos

ion. Los Alamos was establishe
d in northen Ne
w Mexico to design and bu

Contact New Mexico Tech/ild the bomb. At Lo

s Alamos many of the greatest scientific minds of the day labored over the theory and actual construction of the device. The group was led by Dr. J. Robert Oppenheimer who is credited with being the driving force behind building a workable bomb by the end of the war. (The theory) Los Alamos scientists devised two designs for an atomic bomb--one using uranium 235 and

another using plutonium. The uranium bomb was a simple design and scientists were confident it would work without testing. The plutonium bomb w

as m

ore co

mplex an

d worked

by compressing
Reload Image

the plutonium into a critical mass to sustain a c


hain reaction. The compression of the plutonium ball was to be accomp
lished by surrounding it with lense-shaped charges of conventiona

l explosives. They
were designed

to all explode at the same instant. The fo

rce would be directed
inward, thus
smashing the plu

tonium from all sides. In an atomic explosion, a chain reac