When someone does a search at Google Images for the word "xanadu," we want them to see a collage of images that have been branded with the Xanadu Hijack Logo (below). To participate in the hijack, download the logo, create your own watermarked images (instructions are here), re-upload your branded images to the net, and tag them (or associate them) with the word "xanadu."
Toward the bottom of this page are several pre-branded, Xanadu-related images. Use the social media buttons below each image to share and tag the images with the word "xanadu," and to link back to this site. (Or just share by hand. The buttons aren't magic.)
Don't feel obliged to brand only Xanadu-related images. Feel free to hijack the hijack by associating the logo with cats or unicorns or whatever. Just make sure you associate/tag your newly branded image with the word "xanadu."
The Xanadu Hijack is ongoing forever. We are in no hurry. The more press the Xanadu Hijack gets, the more the logo will appear at Google Images. Press about the Xanadu Hijack = participation in the Xanadu Hijack. Happy hijacking!
The Xanadu Hijack is a Turbulence commission made possible with funds from the National Endowment for the Arts.
(includes all the images on this page plus scalable .eps vector files)
[5.4 MB]