Ordnance Preparation Facility
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Ordnance Preparation Facility

he help of Peyote one could r

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rything which eludes
us an d from which we are beco
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alienated by time and material things. Into my left hand he poured a quantity the size of a ripe almond, "enough," he said, "to see God two or three times, for God can never be known. To enter into his presence one must come under the influence of Ciguri at least three times, but each dose must not exceed the size of a pea." So I spent another day or two among the Tarahuma

ra to deepen my experience of Peyote, and it would require a large volume to report everything I saw and felt under its influence and everything that the priests, their assistants, and their families told me on the subject. But a vision which I had and whic

h impressed me was declared authentic by the Priest and his f