
Disappearing Places

We all have places that we feel connected to, but these places rarely stay the same. Disappearing Places exists as both an archive and collective map of places that no longer exist, at least not as they once did. Users can upload stories and images about a place, link them to a corresponding location or street address and tag them accordingly, as well as browse the stories and places other individuals have submitted.

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Time Indefinite

We all experience the occasional moment in life that has a clarity unlike the rest of our days. Time Indefinite exists as both a repository of significant moments and a collective timeline so that we may chart where we all stand in time next to each other during our individual significant moments. Users can upload stories and images about a specific moment in time and tag them accordingly, as well as browse the stories and moments other individuals have submitted.

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Enter Time Indefinite

About The Creators

Disappearing Places and Time Indefinite were produced and are maintained by Matthew Belanger with assistance from Marianne R. Petit. We are launching these sites on the one year anniversary of our Turbulence Commission, The Saddest Thing I Own.

Matthew Belanger is a New York City and Berkshire County based new media artist, programmer, and consultant. His works include documentary video, large-scale digital photography, interactive online applications and software development. His complete portfolio can be seen at: matthewbelanger.com.

With special thanks to:

Marianne R. Petit is an Associate Arts Professor at the Interactive Telecommunications Program at the Tisch School of the Arts at New York University. Her work can be seen at: mariannepetit.com.

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