CROSSROADS displays in the following browsers:
Firefox 1.5, Mac or PC [PREFERRED] and Safari 2, Opera 6.03,
Crossroads also requires QuickTime 4.0 and Flash.
Internet Explorer Mac [5.5] is NOT supported; IE PC v.6 and v.7 do not follow CSS standards
The movies in CROSSROADS are activated
by clicking anywere within the movie panel, they stop instantly when your mouse
is no longer over the movie and resume when you mouse in again. Once you have entered CROSSROADS,
the master navigation bar is available onthe left margin of the browser window.
For full screen viewing, set your monitor resolution to 1024x768.
Film genre and the icons of the Times Square/42nd Street landscape converge in an exploration of the capacity of film to shape our sense of place. Crossroads creates a layered narrative space in which familiar elements of film and advertising culture are remixed in a series of pseudo films that blend personal myth and public space