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This and that thought takes the form of a narrative to explore the structure of the Internet and the ways in which it unconsciously conditions its users to make use of the medium in a specific way. A formula, in this case the van der Corput sequence, is used to structure our experience of the narrative as well as provide a metaphor to the many algorithms we interact with as a user. By illustrating the hidden mechanisms inherent to the Internet of today, This and that thought. hopes to uncover its structure and help the user glean and interpret from it in a subjective and meaningful manner.
This and that thought toma la forma de una narrativa para explorar la estructura de Internet y las formas en que inconscientemente condiciona a sus usuarios a hacer uso del medio de una manera específica. Una fórmula, en este caso la secuencia de van der Corput, se utiliza para estructurar nuestra experiencia de la narrativa, así como proporcionar una metáfora de los muchos algoritmos con los que interactuamos como usuario. Al ilustrar los mecanismos ocultos inherentes a Internet de hoy, This and that thought espera descubrir su estructura y ayudar al usuario a recoger e interpretar de forma subjetiva y significativa.