The discret charm of technology. Arts in Spain

Madrid: Ministerio de Cultura : SEACEX; Badajoz: MEIAC

Author(s): Claudia Giannetti, ed.;  The Technological Age in Spain, Peter Weibel; The Discreet Charm of Technology, Claudia Giannetti; Ramon Llull’s Ars Magna: the Origins of a Visionary, Cognitive Art, Amador Vega; Cajal: Science, Art and Microscopic Technique, Miguel Freire y Pablo García-López;The Origins of Cybernetic Art in Spain, The Experience of the Data Procesing Centre at the University of Madrid (1968-1973), Enrique Castaños Alés; An Overview of Spanish Avant-garde Cinema, Román Gubern; Synthetic and Partial Panorama of Cinema Experiment in Spain: Intermittencies from the 1960s to the “latest generation”, Antoni Pinent; Experimental Animation in Spain, Emilio de la Rosa Paredes; Media Art vs. Audiovisual Art vs. Screen ARt: History and Perspectives on the Artistic Use of Video in Spain, Maria Pallier; Installation Art at the Year 2000, Eugeni Bonet; Net art in Spain since 1996, Nilo Casares; Homo digitalis: Notes and Reflections on the History of net art in Spain, Roberta Bosco y Stefano Caldana; The Present Body: Notes on “Technological performance” in Spain, Nelo Vilar; Sensorial Decadences. Normal Vision, Visual Decay, Presbyopia and Diminishment of Visual Acuity, Santiago Ramón y Cajal; Torres Quevedo as a Forerunner of Moder Computer Science, Alfonso Hernando González; Homage to Norbert Wiener, Manuel Barbadillo; Systemization of Pictorial Analysis towards Artistic Generation with the Computer, José María Iturralde; Cybernetic Art, Simón Marchán Fiz; Dilemma and Power. Techniques of Psycho-physiological Conquest and Respect for the Spectator’s Intimacy, José Val del Omar; Pro/Anti TV: a Crossover. Some Unedited Notes, Muntadas; About “Invisible Mechanisms”, Muntadas; Round-table discussion. “Video as a means of Expression, Communication and Information”, Various Authors; A Perspective on Creative Video in Spain, Manuel Palacio; The Human and The Invisible,Claudia Giannetti.

Pages: 589
Size: 29 x 22 cm.
ISBN: 978-84-96933-19-4 (SEACEX)
978-84-612-3278-9 (MEIAC)
Written in: Spanish / English
Price: 30,00 €



C/ Museo, s/n
Badajoz - España

Servicios Administrativos:
C/ Virgen de Guadalupe, 7.
Tfno.: 924 013060 Fax: 924 013082


Lunes cerrado
Martes a sábado: de 10h a 14h y de 17,30 a 20h
Domingos: de 10h a 14h
Festivos: de 10h a 15h
Cerrado: 1 y 6 de enero, 28 de febrero, 1 de mayo, 24 de junio, 24, 25 y 31 de diciembre.


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